Redirect the Chaos

How to Survive a Chaotic Political Climate AND Strengthen Democracy

If there’s one thing I have felt lately, it’s overwhelmed. Between 24/7 news cycles, political trolling, and the constant drumbeat of division, it’s easy to feel like democracy is crumbling and there’s nothing I can do about it. Oh, sweet, elusive sleep…

But then I remember that I don’t have to fix everything. Because of my background and academic research, I know that the most powerful impact I can make is in my own backyard. So, let’s talk about how to block out the noise and refocus on local government.

Why Ignore the Noise?

The chaos we see online and in the news isn’t accidental. It’s a play. It’s carefully designed to do one thing: distract, divide, and exhaust. It’s slight of hand. We won’t see what is really happening if we’re up in arms about the latest cruelty. (They’re eating the cats, they’re eating the dogs).

This kind of noise feeds on outrage and pulls our attention away from where we actually have influence. The more we focus on the noise, the less energy we have for the meaningful work that needs doing.

The Power of Local Government

National politics sucks all the air out of the room. Three times more people vote in presidential elections that they do in local and state. Voting is important, and so is paying attention, but average citizens have to work very hard, and use a lot of resources to influence their congressional representatives. And that’s in normal times. These are not normal times.

I am not advocating to tune out and disengage, but I am urging my fellow Americans to redirect their focus and energy on the foundation of democracy, which is quite literally, the power of the people. American institutions are going to be tested, challenged, and I truly believe altered. Certainly at the federal level, and to some extent, the state level. But it will take some time for the ripple effect to hit our local municipalities. So, we need need to be ready. By focusing on local government, understanding what it does and how it works, we can strengthen democracy from the ground up.

How to Redirect Your Energy

So, how do we shift our focus away from the noise to the issues that matter locally? Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  1. Tune Out the Trolling:
    Start by curating your information sources. Unfollow accounts or news outlets that thrive on outrage. Mute the trolls. Instead, follow local news organizations, nonprofits, and community leaders.

  1. Notice What Needs Fixing:
    Take a walk around your neighborhood. Are there sidewalks that need repairs? A lack of green spaces? Notice what’s working and what’s not. This is your starting point.

  1. Learn Who’s in Charge:
    Familiarize yourself with your local government. Who’s your city council member? What does your county commissioner do? Who handles public works or zoning in your area? These are the people who make decisions that affect your daily life.

  1. Take Small Steps:
    You don’t have to run for office to make a difference. Start small. Write a letter to your city council about an issue you care about. Attend a public meeting. Even sharing local resources on social media helps raise awareness.

  1. Connect with Your Community:
    Democracy isn’t a solo sport. Talk to your neighbors. Join local advocacy groups. When people come together, change happens faster, and it’s a lot more fun.

Local Wins Add Up

There’s magic in focusing on local government. When you help get a new park built, advocate for better school funding, or push for safer roads, you’re not just improving your community and building social capital, you’re strengthening democracy itself. Every time you take a step up that Civic Empowerment Pyramid (you knew I’d mention it), you’re making it easier for others to join in. You’re building a coalition. Your action inspires others far beyond your immediate surroundings. We are stronger together.

Let’s Get to Work

The next time the chaos of the news cycle starts to suck you in and wear you down, remember this: you don’t have to succumb. Focus your energy where it counts, in your own community.

It may just be the last line of defense.


Think Global, Act Local


Your Guide to the Civic Empowerment Pyramid